Fashion meets Flowers

Flowers are nature’s crown jewellery as founder Yamina Beij always says. And true it is that flowers have an unique composition combined with an wonderful scent. Fashion designers have been deeply inspired by all ‘jewelry’ that nature has to offer. How beautiful and precise all these flowers have been designed. We can be grateful for these beautiful gifts. Always in search of new and appealing design Dutch Flower Cake happily collaborates with Fashion Designers such as Addy van den Krommenacker to share vision and create new designs.

Look around, be inspired and feel loved.

Dutch Flower Cake

The Road to Cannes

Recently Dutch Flower Cake was seen in the new elevating tv-program ‘The Road to Cannes’ broadcasted on Dutch television network RTL4 and presented by the lovely host Carolien ter Linden . An exciting episode fully dedicated to fashion including the offcial launch of our new 2021 collection. Watch this episode below.

The Road to Cannes

An episode fully dedicated to fashion and flowers. Flower Challenges by Ricardo Beij, CEO Dutch Flower Cake

Interview with Addy van den Krommenacker

Dutch Flower Cake was invited to dress up the launch of his new ‘Ascott by Addy’ collection. Addy tells about this unique collaboration and his love for fabrics, colours and flowers.